01-09-2008, 05:50 AM
that was just plain sickening to see... so much for the strenth of her convictions... what is she going to do, go over to afganistan and cry one binladins sholders and beg him to give him self up?
is she planning on going to the major trust corporations and ask them to stop sending work over to china who has no child labor laws or polution laws to speak of?
and what about these actors who are taking advantage of the cheep forgen child labor and this includes martha stewart as well... Is hillery going to go cry in her cup of tea and beg her to stop endorsing child labor practices in other countries?
in my book she has lost all acredibility....
Democrats will be taking a holiday this week, not coming to michigan.... Hillary is the only democrat on the ballot in michigan.... thanks to michigans leading democrat
I saw hillary came in first place in New Hampshire. but what she did not get and needed most there was the indipendant vote who voted on the republican ballat insted... This means when it comes to the national electoin she has already lost in NH.... Shallow victory there if ya aske me guys... Ya I know, no body asked me... LOL[laugh]
Michigan is still left with two options on the 15th, they can vote republican or they can vote non commited on the democratic ballot wich means you want a democrat, just not clinton....
so democratic michigan I urge ya to get out and vote non commited,
John edwards for president...
there is one more hook hillary will miss, Edwards can pull out before the end of the democratic nomination and give all his votes to Obama... This was done during the nixon election....
is she planning on going to the major trust corporations and ask them to stop sending work over to china who has no child labor laws or polution laws to speak of?
and what about these actors who are taking advantage of the cheep forgen child labor and this includes martha stewart as well... Is hillery going to go cry in her cup of tea and beg her to stop endorsing child labor practices in other countries?
in my book she has lost all acredibility....
Democrats will be taking a holiday this week, not coming to michigan.... Hillary is the only democrat on the ballot in michigan.... thanks to michigans leading democrat
I saw hillary came in first place in New Hampshire. but what she did not get and needed most there was the indipendant vote who voted on the republican ballat insted... This means when it comes to the national electoin she has already lost in NH.... Shallow victory there if ya aske me guys... Ya I know, no body asked me... LOL[laugh]
Michigan is still left with two options on the 15th, they can vote republican or they can vote non commited on the democratic ballot wich means you want a democrat, just not clinton....
so democratic michigan I urge ya to get out and vote non commited,
John edwards for president...
there is one more hook hillary will miss, Edwards can pull out before the end of the democratic nomination and give all his votes to Obama... This was done during the nixon election....