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Grand River Report
I was bouncing bags and waxworms , . I still can't locate my flybox !!!!
Did pretty good though , landed two out of six battles , gave them to a guy that just wasen't having any luck at all . He had some 20# test line on and couldn't cast without a birdsnest developing before the line hit the first guide on his rod .
Weekends for fishing are under the guidance of the wife , (that is depending on how much I whine and mope around the house ).
I can usually let you know by friday afternoon for a saturday or sunday .

Messages In This Thread
Grand River Report - by Jaackrabbit - 01-07-2008, 11:38 PM
Re: [Jaackrabbit] Grand River Report - by lonehunter - 01-09-2008, 09:11 PM

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