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Apr. 12, 2003 - Lake Cachuma - Trout
[cool]It's been a few years since I lived in Santa Barbara and launched on old Cachuma. But, I used to have some great early morning action along the wind drift lines coming off the points across from the marina. The shad would be cruising the line picking off bugs in the line and big rainbows would be hanging a few feet down, ambushing the shad. In those days (before Hammers), I pitched silver Phoebe lures...looked like little fishies. Let them sink about ten or fifteen feet and then burned them across the drift line. Those rainbows hit hard and fought well. Every once in a while a stray LMB would be up in the water column there too.

You might try hitting the water as soon as you can launch and working the wind lines with the Hammers. I'm betting they would work. The active 'bows usually went down as soon as there was much boat traffic or the morning easterlies died down.

By the way, are there still smallies in Cachuma. Used to love those little darlings.

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Re: [LeapinBass] Apr. 12, 2003 - Lake Cachuma - Trout - by TubeDude - 04-14-2003, 07:28 PM

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