04-16-2003, 08:24 PM
I am looking to upgrade, but most of all trying to clean my dads garage out. My father past away last summer and my mom said it is time that her kids go through the garage and get what we want of my dad tools, which is alot, and to get it straight. And most of all get our stuff out. My Old float tube has been sitting in the rafters collecting dust. I am not a huge guy, but it is definitely too small for the tastes of me. I mainly fly fish or spend time on my boat. Havent tubed in a few years now, and am looking to get in something new as a tube, but $$$ seems to keep going else where. As you probably already know TD there are alot of ponds and lakes that can be best fished by tube here in N. Utah, and I am itchin to get back on them. The tube I have is a truck inner tube with inflatable pouch back. Simple set up, I think I bought it new 9-10 yrs ago for $100 also. I will send jigme a PM on that. Like I said it is just collecting dust. As for me, what do you suggest I look at as a new tube. I like the looks of your fat cat, but dont know if it is reasonable for me to drop that kind of money right now on tube like that, I am trying to fix up my B.O.A.T. so in other words, dropping another thousand. That is the project that never ends. But I guess right now is the time I get all the toys I can get before I meet Mrs. Polokid. THen from what I hear and see it is even more difficult to get this fun stuff.