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Bomb Iraq with Utah Lake carp
[cool][#0000ff]There was an article in the Salt Lake Tribune this morning about the ongoing study by the committee to restore Utah Lake. [url ""]LINK TO ARTICLE[/url][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]One insert in the article was about a plan to ship Utah Lake carp to Iraq, or other countries where carp is a major food item and the quality standards are not as high as in the US. Here is that part...for quick reading:[/#0000ff]
[black]Does the solution to Utah Lake's carp problem lie in Iraq?
Reed Harris, director of the state's June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program, said that a humanitarian group in Minnesota has offered to take carp from the lake and deliver them in Iraq and other countries as food.
Harris said he was contacted by Mike Powell, of MN Direct Trade, who offered to remove 5 million to 10 million fish a year. Powell's group would send the fish to people in Iraq, Bosnia and the Baltic.
Harris said Powell told him that carp have been a part of the Iraqi people's diet, and that fish there today go for $4 a pound.
While the fish may be popular in Baghdad, Utahns have been strongly advised not to each too much of the Utah Lake fish because of PCB pollution. The state advised people to eat no more than four ounces of fish a month, while children and pregnant women should abstain.
Harris explained that the guidelines were based on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards, which are more stringent than U.S. Food and Drug Administration rules for fish.
"This fish is marketed all over the world," Harris said.

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Bomb Iraq with Utah Lake carp - by TubeDude - 01-25-2008, 02:27 PM

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