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Yuba Perchathon Info and Signup
[red][size 3]UPDATE...2/4/08: [black][size 2]Still need 1 more cook, 1 more person to bring potatoes and someone to bring garbage bags.[/size][/black][/size][/red] UP DATE: We have the following sign ups from those who have P.M.ed us that would like to help. Please P.M. us if you want to help.

Cooks: Mrs. Pikeman ajensen 8-incher 4boats
plates and forks: majja

papertowels&ketchup: bwhitty
ocean: hotdogs

Filleters: bassrods tubedude

Prizes: Lettsfish
TubeDude (jigs plus BFT gifts)
Mt. Nebo tackle
K&T's Silver Eagle in Heber

Shuttle: lunkerhunter2 walleyebob

garbage bags: utahbill water: walleyebob dubob troll
Potatoes: sewfish 4boats tmas utahbill
folding tables: walleyebob 8 incher dubob tmas cutting boards: ashorthair This will be the final up date. Please be sure to bring your radios. We will be on 7. If you want to contribute anything else just bring it along. Any contribution will be great. Any one wanting to fillet or help shuttle just come prepared. We will be having the drawings and the cooking in the parking lot. As for the kids prizes they will need to write an essay that says why they like to fish and thanking sportsmans. They must be handwritten. If they are too small to write you may assisst them but they must hold on to the pen. They need to be turned in to pikeman between 7:30 and 8:00. Only those who wrote an essay will be in the drawing and the drawing will be at 8 sharp. As for the adults you will need to sign up for a ticket and you will need to put your board name on the back of the ticket. You can enter the drawing between 8-10 a.m. the drawing will be at noon in the parking lot and you must be present to win. There will be a grand prize for the longest perch caught. If there should be a tie there will be a drawing between them. We want to give a BIG THANKS to all you do-bees who buzzed right in to help. It should prove to be a great party because of you. see you there Pikeman GOFISH [/reply]

Messages In This Thread
Yuba Perchathon Info and Signup - by PIKEMAN99 - 01-17-2008, 04:16 AM
Re: [PIKEMAN99] Yuba Perchathon Info and Signup - by PIKEMAN99 - 02-04-2008, 03:46 AM

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