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Strongest Fish in the World
[cool][#0000ff]It doesn't surprise me that the jacks are considered AMONG the strongest fish in the world. I have caught them in Louisiana, Florida and in the Sea of Cortez, in Mexico. Are they the strongest? Can't say. Haven't caught ALL saltwater species. But, of the ones I have caught, they are some of the toughest. Down in Mexico they are called "toro"...meaning bull. Good handle.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I think pound for pound I might have to favor the bonito of the west coast. On suitable tackle those striped demons will kick your booty. Better eating than jacks too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In fresh water there are so many variables it is foolish to say any one species over another. The type of water, food, habitat and other factors can result in the same species being dynamite in one venue and wimps in another. Cold water smallmouth...turn to dishrags in warm water. And warm water species, like flathead cats, will fight to the death in warm summer waters but won't even flick a fin when hooked in colder water. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Steelhead are tough, but a large part of their battle is in using the heavy current of the strong rivers to help them disconnect from anglers. Other fish fight like the devil...for about 10 seconds. Others just dog it out for a long time, with nothing flashy. Ideally a fish will give you a good battle over an extended period of time...with or without jumps. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My vote for toughest freshwater fish? The lowly carp.[/#0000ff]

Messages In This Thread
Strongest Fish in the World - by waljustia - 02-11-2008, 05:59 PM
Re: [waljustia] Strongest Fish in the World - by TubeDude - 02-11-2008, 08:18 PM

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