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Seeking Advice From Fellow Tubers on Freshwater lures
August?...last year?...Not to old...Memory??? Are you kiddin' me? Those small diameter spools are memory machines. Especially when comparing lines in Summer and Winter. Warm Summer temps relax the ine while cold winter temps stiffen them up. I keep 3/4 of my spools filled with Spiderwire and add the last 100 or so yards onto my spool before every third trip. By then I've usually used maybe thirty feet by tieing knots and cutting off abraided line during the trip. So I respool. It only takes a few minutes.Just a hundred or so yards. This way your line is fresh and you at least have a chance to land those monster fish we know here in Calidfornia as "Zing Pows". We call them that 'cause that is the sound you usually here as they rip the line off your reel and break off. It always breaks at a rubbed, cracked, abaided spot if not your knot. These are all things you can defend against. Stupid people don't nesesarily lose big fish, unprepared ones do. Now I hope I haven't been to rough with you but sometimes it takes that to get someone to change their way of thinking. Change your line often, Don't waste time fishing where they aren't, Feed 'em what they want to eat; Just doing these three thing will make your fishing trips way better. Good luck and life is short....Fish Hard.

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Re: [Majja] Seeking Advice From Fellow Tubers on Freshwater lures - by bendopolo - 02-13-2008, 07:24 PM

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