02-19-2008, 05:58 PM
I use to have some pet Peacock Bass years ago. As I would watch them swim around in the tank I always wondered If they would survive in Blue Lakes? The temp is just right for them out there but I wondered if the salt content in those ponds would have an effect on Peacock Bass. It was always a dream to have them planted out there but I never actually considered doing it myself. I will say whoever put one in there took some time and money to do so. I used to spend 30 dollars a week on gold fish just feeding mine. They were only 4 or 5 inches long too. To grow one big enough that would survive without being Largemouth food would take time and money. Its been a good 6 years since I have been out there but that sparks some interest in breaking out the tude and checking to see if in fact there our Peacocks out that way..