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provo river fun (report)
I had the chance to get out and fish the middle provo river where i live yesterday afternoon. I would have to say that this was one of my best days fishing on that river for a long time. the action was mostly on the top water using dry flies, but a few people were doing okay using spinners. I noticed a strange thing when I was out though that might be of some interest, and that is the fish were not really jumping to get the fly, heck they werent even making a splash, they would just suck it under, then gobble it up. I perfected this technique after i missed about a dozen fish. I was fishing this pool that was producing well for most of the afternoon. Hear is where the funny part comes into play, i noticed a nice sized fish breaking the surface but i was past a swifter current into a eddy, so i had to get a little closer so i could get the fly to stay at a dead float instead of poicking up speed with the current. I decided i would move a little bit closer to get into that sweet spot but that was a big mistake for me[blush]. I slid right off the shoulder of the rocks and into the deepest pool of water i have ever seen on that river. Lucky for me my waders kept me floating on the surface until i got to shallower water and could get my footing again.[laugh] I would have loved to see what it looked like from a different point of view. Picture this a guy floating down a deep section of river with only his head and chest above the water[Tongue],LOL. I only got a tiny bit of water in my waders and it did not bother me too much. I totalled out with about 7-9 fair sized river fish. All in all a good day on the river. I fished from about 4 until 7, and the fishing was hot for about an hour or two when i got their. One word of advise for any one going up is to think small, my bigger flys did not too anby thing for the fish but when I put on my smalles fly the fish came knockin'.

Just to mention that there were some people haveing a ton of luck using a wd40 gnat fly pattern. any gnat pattern is working but the fish preferred that greyish color over all.

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provo river fun (report) - by fishboy2 - 04-20-2003, 06:22 PM

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