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A big thank you to all from a new guy (kind of)
while things are still a little slow around here I wanted to say thank you to all of the members here. I joined this site over a year ago. Although my presence has been in the shadows, I have emailed TubeN2 about questions regarding the FC4 (thanks again Steve) and have come to this website daily to read reviews, look at other members pictures, fishing reviews that don't pertain to my region of the country and a wealth of knowledge about float tubes.

I started many years ago with a round Caddis tube with big thick neoprene waders and paddle pushers. I quit the tube'n business for about 5 years because of the amount of effort it took just to catch a fish. I bought a little Pelican two seater and the gear to go with it. As the years passed I found myself not enjoying my little two seater bass boat. Since it had been about 5 years on a tube I figured there had to be an advancement in technology regarding float tubes. In my search to find the perfect tube I found, and I gotta tell you I was impressed, shocked and amazed at what you guy's and gal's were doing to your tubes.

If it where not for TubeDude's unbelievable amount of work that he put in to this site and knowledge, I probably wouldn't even of known what a "Fat Cat" was. When I was ready to purchase my next tube, I was "2 clicks" away from buying the Togiak tube from Cabelas website. Literally.

I ended up purchasing the FC4 for the price. I was amazed at the difference from the round tubes. But, I have already upgraded to the FatCat. Only because one hot summer day on the lake I heard a pppssssssss coming from my bladder on my FC4. I split the seam, returned my tube to Cableas (with no questions asked). My FatCat just arrived yesterday. I know it isn't the most glamorous picture (inflated tube in my living room) but at least it will give you guys something to look at while we are all waiting for the ice to melt.

So, thank you to ALL members of this site who have contributed and a special thank you to TubeDude for all of your hard work and knowledge that you have shared, and for converting a former tuber once lost in this world, back to a tube fisherman for good.


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A big thank you to all from a new guy (kind of) - by tubber - 02-29-2008, 04:29 PM

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