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It's slow around here lately.
... what size/type hook is used....

with the shape of the head in mind.. do you build that up slowly .. meanig .. covering the hook and start of eyes in one revolution.. then the next layer.. etc until you have built up the head.. or build up one side (top) before rotating to the other side (bottom)...

... does the epoxy allow it to float at all.... like you were using a sinking line would it be able to float up from the bottom at all.. for fish that feed near but not on the bottom..

reason I am asking is I am thinking they could also be used for catfish and maybe some trout.. or bass.. or crappie feeding just above the bottom.. or just below the surface.. especially in shallow waters..

MacFly [Image: fish-on.gif]

Messages In This Thread
It's slow around here lately. - by smallmouth89 - 02-27-2008, 03:28 AM
Re: [zonker] It's slow around here lately. - by macfly55 - 03-02-2008, 06:45 AM

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