04-22-2003, 09:07 PM
this has always been a company event. meaning that it has always been an event since its introduction as a cartoon holiday.
there is only so much room for people to stand. I dont begrudge them for having their one and only family day. I think it is quite bold in light of what is going on around the globe.
the event has always been restricted to family and guests. the fact that they anounced it this year realy is a farce to sell newspapers.
sorry to pop a bubble here, but since the assasination of president linclon, no president has had a single moment of true privacy. body gaurds hound for miles in every direction sniffing out posible threats.
on this one they get no greif from me, I rather applaud their having a family day.
A well known fact is the the united state government is the only industry in the world that employs more people than the sport fishing industry.
there is only so much room for people to stand. I dont begrudge them for having their one and only family day. I think it is quite bold in light of what is going on around the globe.
the event has always been restricted to family and guests. the fact that they anounced it this year realy is a farce to sell newspapers.
sorry to pop a bubble here, but since the assasination of president linclon, no president has had a single moment of true privacy. body gaurds hound for miles in every direction sniffing out posible threats.
on this one they get no greif from me, I rather applaud their having a family day.
A well known fact is the the united state government is the only industry in the world that employs more people than the sport fishing industry.