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holiday events at the white house
thank you [size 1]fishingirl[/size] glad you joined in on the subject. I thought this event went back to near linclon days.

truely I mean no disrespect on the values of these holidays such as christmas, easter, halloween. what I refer to "cartoon holiday is the comercialazation of these holidays" meaning the comercial industry has incorperated fancifull incertions charitures in to these holidays, like easter bunny, the santy clause who flies around threw the air with reindeer, or monsers, ghost, demons and vampires who wonder the steets of darkness. these are with out a doubt cartoon chariters, well with exception that santy clause one. every one knows he is real.

dont get me wrong, I am not saying the comercialized version is bad eather, these fanticies have put millions of folks to work every year. it is a profitable industry with out a doubt. I enjoyed them as a kid, and I support them as an adult, and yes do I value and respect the true meanings behind all these holidays.

Messages In This Thread
holiday events at the white house - by lonehunter - 04-22-2003, 03:16 AM
Re: [fishingirl] holiday events at the white house - by davetclown - 04-22-2003, 11:59 PM

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