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lake powel report or nothing to report more accurately
I think we have found a solution to your porblem. BRING YOUR BOAT next time!!![Wink] I always tell my wife when we are packing for a "non-fishing" trip "hey hun, dont you think you should reconsider not taking the boat on this "non-fishing" trip? I mean it will provide us more room inside the truck by putting our baggage in the boat"!!! Which in turn she responds by saying "NO BOAT, all you will do is ditch me with the family and go fishing"!!! About 2 1/2 hours of sweet talking[Wink] later we are hooked up to the boat and driving off into the sunset!!!![Smile]

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Re: [Jedburton] lake powel report or nothing to report more accurately - by trout_slayer - 03-14-2008, 05:18 PM

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