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Tube Truckin' This Morning
[cool][black][size 1][size 2][blue]While TubeBabe and I were doing a "reconnaisance run" last week, we drove south of Lindon on the shoreline access road. We admired the completed bike trail, and the sturdy guard rails. We didn't like the apparent lack of access fo anglers. Noticed some new construction work going on near the water and a big new cleared area on the east side of the toad. Got out to look and saw three little covered picnic tables (pavilions) in a sandy flat area next to the water. The shoreline/beach was clean and a gradual slope hard sand.

BINGO. A new launch spot for the tube. I always like to fish the bubbleup but it is a long kick from Lindon, formerly the closest launch spot. Now it is only a short ways around the reed point from this little beach. Talked to a sherriff who was parked off the side of the road and he said that it would be a county park, with no fees. Also said they have lots of plans for further improvements down there.

Checked it out this morning. TubeBabe couldn't make it so I did a solo shot. Parked in the gravel parking area, loaded my tube and most of my other stuff on my golf cart tube truck and wrestled it through the narrow opening into the bike path. Then backed the tube truck down the steep hill. Not bad. Did not take any gelandersprungs (triple klutz).

Got everything set up and launched by 8 AM. Air temp 35, no wind, no ice and no gloves. Water temp 43 and no fish. Well, I did get two bites and landed one 23" channel cat on a minnow. Fished all kinds of plastics, feathers, spinners and hardbaits. Nary a whack. Even when I worked along the bubbleup i saw only a few fish marks on sonar and did not get even one bump. I can't remember ever NOT getting at least a few white bass there. Water 9 feet deep at the furthest buoy and the water seemed to be coming in pretty good. About 1 degree cooler at the far end.

There was supposed to be south wind, so I stayed close to the launch area. About 9:30 I could see a line of wind ripples headed my way, from the south. But, it was only a light breeze and calmed back down to glass for the rest of the morning. A bit of breeze finally came up about 11:30 just as I was kicking back in to shore. Water temp had warmed to 46 in the shallows.

I really like that spot. The whole shoreline to the south looks like it is going to be a carp shooters paradise about the first of May. Shallow edges with lots of vegetation. And, once the water warms a few degrees the cattin' should be good there too. I have taken a lot of fish of all species in that general area. Nice to have a good (FREE) launch spot for the tube now.

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Tube Truckin' This Morning - by TubeDude - 03-19-2008, 09:56 PM

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