04-01-2008, 07:05 AM
Ok from what I read up and stuff on the carp out here. They are German Grass Carp which is native to the European area. How they gout out this far in that time frame still has me at alose. But the reason they were brought out here was to eat the algy out of the drinkin waters to attempt to keep them cleaner and able to drink. Which in alot of the resevors out here which most of us cuss them where we fish they were planted in to for the same reason basicly. But due to them bein a garbage fish and of no real use to us they are basicly takin over. I don't think there is very many of the asian coy which is also in the carp family and was used for along the same lines. Then there is your common gold fish which is also a carp which many anglers love to use as bait in surtain states out east which there were those careless ones that dumped them into the river or lake they were fishing. If you want some more information on it I can call a friend that works at a fish hatchery where i grew up just let me know and I can try to get you some more info.