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holiday events at the white house
[Smile]I don't think you put things the wrong way. I agree with you completely. the money going out, should be coming in and there is no question to it. I have not quite understood the policy of blowing them up and then rebuilding them. Jump starting the Asian market 25 years ago, just so they could buy half of America. Dumping Billions of dollars into third world countries so they will be allies, when they are not in a position or disposition to help us by location, use of land, or personnel. We have many problems in this country that could be solved with the same amount of money.

I had a friend and his wife living with me last year. She is on disability due to the emotional stress of having a historectomy. This is one of those classic cases where she saw an opportunity, and jumped all over it. I was around her for three months, if that is emotionally disabled, I'm emotionally dead. I mentioned to her that she had collected about $7000 over the year in benefits, that was roughly the same amount I paid in taxes that year. She said "Thank you." and laughed. Don't people like that just make you dick too?

I just noticed a fair amount of almost anti-bush feeling and just wanted everyone to take a moment to think about where we might be otherwise. Maybe better, maybe worse.

Messages In This Thread
holiday events at the white house - by lonehunter - 04-22-2003, 03:16 AM
Re: [lonehunter] holiday events at the white house - by Curtisfish - 04-25-2003, 04:04 PM

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