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New State Catfish record??
[#ff0000]Sturgeon Record Fish[/#ff0000]
Sturgeon - 468 lbs.
Caught by: Joey Pallotta
Caught at: San Pablo Bay in California

this is from oregon wildlife division:

**There is no state record information for sturgeon in Oregon because the maximum size limit is 60". It is unlawful to remove an oversized sturgeon from the water.

found the california records wildlife division:

sturgeon, white 468 lbs 0 oz San Pablo Bay (Contra Costa) July 9, 1983 Joey Pallotta (Crockett)
[url ""][/url]

thats from the wildlife divisions

[url ""][/url]

Unconfirmed reports suggest that belugas may reach a length of up to 8.6 m (28 ft) and weigh as much as 2,700 [url ""]kilograms[/url] (5,940 lbs), making them the largest [url ""]freshwater[/url] fish in the world, larger even than the [url ""]Mekong giant catfish[/url] or the [url ""]pirarucu[/url]. At this mass, the beluga would be even heavier than the [url ""]ocean sunfish[/url], generally recognized as the largest of [url ""]bony fishes[/url]. But the largest actually confirmed specimens were about 5.5 m (18 ft). Nevertheless, some scientists still consider the Mekong giant catfish to be the largest freshwater fish, owing to sturgeons' ability to survive in [url ""]seawater[/url].

that was interesting for a day at work, i learned alot. thanks for the post of that cat, i enjoyed it.

Messages In This Thread
New State Catfish record?? - by fishfinder462 - 04-11-2008, 05:15 PM
Re: [TubeDude] New State Catfish record?? - by Heartbeat - 04-11-2008, 10:22 PM

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