04-18-2008, 04:57 AM
I like panther martins. They cast far because of the heavy lead bodies. Try the silver blade, yellow body w/red dots or the black blade and body with yellow spots. Size really depends on how you are fishing (fast, slow, deep, shallow) but 1/8 oz is a good starting point. Don't ignore the mepps though. They are easier to fish in shallow water because they don't sink as fast. Usually I fish them in size 1 or 2 but in real skinny water 0 can be a killer. I am not real big on the new colored blades I just use the traditional gold with the red plastic tube. My brother fishes the same way but uses totally different colors because he thinks mine don't work, even though I have out fished him 2-1 on every trip but one this year. so don't be afraid to find what works for you (the fish). Sorry for dragging on.