04-23-2008, 05:20 AM
Just my opinion, but I'm not entirely sure about the zooplankton theory. I've found from stomach analysis that even adult perch and crappies rely primarily on zooplankton as a staple in their diets. Very rarely do I find other food than daphnia and other zooplankton in perch and crappie stomachs. Pineview is one exception. The crappie feed on some unique type of aquatic larva which I have not taken the time to identify as yet. It is greenish colored and slender. However during numerous times of the year, the plankton again becomes the primary staple. Even wipers have mostly plankton in their stomachs at this time of the year along with midge emergers. Large fish can and do sustain themselves on plankton. Of course a predator like a wiper can't live on that for long before they starve, but panfish can thrive solely on plankton.