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We haven't had any new info lately about....
I'm definitely not as liberal as southernman. I actually consider myself a 'moderate'. I won't officially join the Republican party nor the Democrats. Like you, I don't agree with everything from either side. One thing I hate more than almost anything is the box on the ballet you can check for voting all one party (i.e. I'm a republican, so I'll vote for all republicans, or I'm a democrat, so I'll just check for all of my party). I think it encourages ignorance of the issues.

Anyway, I definitely side with the republicans on things like abortion. However, on issues like the Iraq war, don't even get me started.

Seriously, I honestly would like to know the answers to my questions above, I'm definitely no troll, and as I tend to sit in the middle, any info/arguments you might provide could be both useful to me, as well as have the potential to affect my views. Give it a shot. [Smile]

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Re: [wiperhunter2] We haven't had any new info lately about.... - by cat_man - 04-23-2008, 02:31 PM

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