04-29-2003, 11:52 AM
oh i hear ya about educatin people but i was just tyrin to understand what is causin it as well. that,s why i said what i said bout the difference betwixt there and here. and i do believe it is a terrible diesease. my god i just never herd of such a thing, i do wish i could help somehow. i love my animals wild and pets sometimes more than humans and it kills me to think of this goin on. the tb one said they froth at the mouth git disoriented too at the end and that was what i meant bout the rabies thing. like a deer one. i didn,t think deer vould git rabies it didn,t look like they have made any progress in findin out a cure yet??? i,m terrible sorry it is awful. do they have any of those radiation places out there??? like they do in new york?? i haven,t had enough coffee to think this mornin. haaha maybe that?? chemicals on the soil or the feed they,re puttin out? a plant their eatin?? just tryin to git a drift on it too. later mare