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Inland Fisheries Grants
Inland Fisheries Grants

Forms and Publications

Program Objective(s):

* To protect, maintain and/or enhance inland aquatic environments that support (or are capable of supporting) a significant public fishery.

* To rehabilitate degraded inland fish communities on waters that support (or are capable of supporting) a significant public fishery.<br />
* To provide additional or more diverse fishing opportunities on inland waters that support (or are capable of supporting) a significant public fishery.<br />
* To foster educational and interpretive communications and interest in inland fish, fishing, and fisheries management when those communications and interests serve to protect, maintain, enhance, or rehabilitate the populations and habitat of fish and other forms of aquatic life.


Projects that are beneficial to the people of Michigan , inland fisheries resources, and meet one or more of the program objectives (above) are eligible for funding. In past years, criteria for scoring included completeness of the application, project need and its relationship to Fisheries Division and Inland Fisheries Grant (IFG) program objectives, and benefits to inland fisheries.

Applicants must demonstrate they can contribute at least 50 percent of the project's cost as a match to the state grant.

Focus Area:

In 2004, the IFG program established Focus Areas. Focus Areas reflect one of the four main objectives of the IFG program: 1) maintain/enhance aquatic environments, 2) rehabilitate degraded fish communities, 3) foster educational communications in inland fish, and 4) provide additional fishing opportunities/access. In a given year, only those applications that meet the Focus Area will be eligible for scoring/grant.

Continuing in 2008, the Focus Area will be Management of Dams. Applications will be used to select projects for 2008 and 2009 funding. The scope of this Focus Area, Management of Dams, is large and there are a variety of projects that will be eligible under this category. Below are examples of the types of projects that will be considered for 2008 and 2009 funds. This list is NOT exhaustive. Projects will be considered if they:

* Enhance recreational fishing access or use<br />
* Improve safety and security<br />
* Enhance stream habitat and fisheries<br />
* Improve water quality and stream ecology v<br />
* Provide for riparian property use/improvement<br />
* Address sediment quantification and removal including contaminated sediment removal and/or control<br />
* Restore natural stream form and function<br />
* Restore stream stability so that it is able to maintain its channel dimension, pattern and profile

Source(s) of Funds: Game and Fish Protection Fund

Dollar Amount(s) Available: $200,000

Authority: Part 5, PA 451 of 1994, as amended

Contact(s): Application Functions: Christian LeSage, Fisheries Division (517-241-3624),


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Inland Fisheries Grants - by FishNews - 05-02-2008, 08:18 PM

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