05-12-2008, 01:10 AM
Church brand is the best as far as the release goes, here is a[url "http://www.fishusa.com/tackleshop/catalog_product.asp?ProductFamilyID=%7B50DACFFB%2D0671%2D4AC7%2D8EE0%2DF847F1B3BEFD%7D&i=3D27815485374BD8A9745B916DCB3454&fx=1"] link to one of the smaller ones[/url] like I have. It shows a good picture of the release, the rear pin holds your line and the front clip holds the line until a fish hits your lure then it releases and the board slides down to the swivel, making it a breeze to reel in. Even it the fish doesn't hit hard enough to release the clip, it is fairly easy to reel in and remove the board while fighting the fish. Unless your line breaks you won't loose your board either so that is a plus.