05-13-2008, 12:33 AM
For the money the church ones are a better way to go. I went big and put on a planer board tower and run the boards on a dedicated line. That way when the fish get on I can play the fish and not the board. There is a knack to it to learn to get it right but some days we catch most of the fish out on the side. Plus when the kokes are not too deep I put a DT 30 rappella on with the belly hook removed. Put a swivel and a 10-12 inch line with a good koke lure run it out on the side planer and enjoy. The planer board also helps accommodate more lines out if you have lots of guests on the boat with 2 pole permits. If I were starting over I would give the planer boards pretty high priority over down riggers. for most trolling situations.