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Bass Tournaments Need Restrictions for Small Lakes
I have to agree with Tubedude. I know of one So. Utah lake that too me seems to small to hold tournaments but that refers to size, not mortality or stress.
With smaller water bass being released in the same area will have no affect on them, in my opinion, they will find where they want to be. Larger bodies of water is another question.
Everywhere I have been this year I have been 'interviewed' about where I have been, has my boat dried, been cleaned, etc. Everywhere from Gunlock to Hyrum. Plus I have seen ads and billboards about preventing aquatic nuisances.
I understand what you mean about having the tourneys on non-weekends. It would be better for all but unfortunately just because someone is in a tournament does not mean they aren't a weekend warrior as well. I can't miss (afford to miss) work during the week or I'd be more than happy to comply with weekdays.
As far as "Most tournament fisherman I have been around during the tournament are rude (move within 50 feet of your fishing spot/ cut you off or not follow "right of way" to speed to a fishing hole, etc)." Give me a break! That's like me saying that non-tournament fisherman do the same thing. In general, can't speak for all, fisherman respect each other. Especially in a tournament where you are there as a professional upholding tournament rules, state laws, and just using commen sense.
You talk about these small lakes being hammered by tournament fisherman. Let me remind you that these tournament fisherman release all fish caught. It is to their advantage to keep the fish alive and healthy to be released unharmed, compare that to the impact of the person out to get a limit of big fish and release the small ones or just throw back the small ones that won't make it.
Perhaps you should be more specific on this small lake to which you are referring and why you feel this way about tournaments.

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Re: [Flyfish4thrills] Bass Tournaments Need Restrictions for Small Lakes - by fsh4fun05 - 05-28-2008, 01:39 AM

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