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We haven't had any new info lately about....
SM, I'm not a republican, nor am I a democrat. I consider myself a moderate that agrees with some views from each side.

I find your constant barrages of name-calling offensive and demeaning. If you disagree with their positions, state so. There's no need to constantly use words that are more reminiscent of what you hear on the playground. In fact, I believe they merely serve to weaken the credibility of the one that uses them, detracting from the often valuable insight that could have been expressed and received with more open minds if it weren't for the defensiveness it creates with the opposition.

Please do us all (including yourself) a favor and debate the heck out of the issues, but leave the namecalling out.


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Re: [southernman] We haven't had any new info lately about.... - by cat_man - 05-29-2008, 08:19 PM

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