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Three Grizzlies Captured And Relocated
FWP captured three grizzlies, including an adult female and two 2-year olds, on May 31 east of Eureka. These bears had eaten chicken feed, killed several chickens, and got into dog food in an open garage. Local FWP Game Warden Jim Roberts is working with local landowners to secure all attractants, including pet food, bird feeders, and garbage. The landowner will install a garage door. Electric fencing has been added at the residence where the bears killed chickens.

<br>According to Grizzly Bear Management Specialist Tim Manley, the adult female was in estrus and would soon be forcing the young bears to venture out on their own. Because of this, the decision was made to split up the family group and relocate them to different areas.<br>

<br>The adult female grizzly was released in the upper Stillwater drainage, which is close to her home range. The 2-year old female was released in Coal Creek in the North Fork. The 2-year old male was released in Unawah Creek drainage on the east side of Hungry Horse Reservoir. All three grizzlies were radio-collared. This same family group of grizzlies had been captured last year and moved into the Coal Creek drainage in the North Fork of the Flathead.

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Three Grizzlies Captured And Relocated - by FishNews - 06-03-2008, 06:10 PM

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