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Turkey Hunting in Ohio
hey, that,s cool. i don,t know why we can,t hunt the whole day. black powder, with shot or the bullet??? i,d like to hunt with my 22. i got the rossi, 410, they say i can,t use it but i don,t know why. they say i can use a 20 gauge. i know i got to be closer but my little 410 shoots as fer as my 20 guauge did, cause it,s got a short barrel and spreads better i think. i love it. haha how i laughed when i first shot it ya would figure a little one like that would have such a good kick. haha that 22 is right on!! i finally got to shootit, i just lift up and it,s there.!! haha probably they don,t want too many shot that why we can,t hunt all day.i dont, think the state figures their as hearty as they are. they fend pretty good over the winter. this is one of the worst winter we,ve had in oh the last 8 far as crust and alot of snow. those stinkin fisher cats they put out take a toll on a lot of our small game. if i see one of them it,s goin down,. they,ve taken almost all my squiells. in all the areas me an cliff use to hunt em. and we,d leave a good many. we never over hunted. rabbits are gone round here. their use to be plenty on my mountain. red squirells even. partridge, they use to live in my back yard.i liked the turkeys and deer in your backyard that,s cool. i had em too. well the old pasture where all my ponies were is pretty much growed up now but i know the deer and turkys come in there cause i find their droppins. i just dont, see em much. well will catch up with ya in a bit. take care jack and i went to the swap meet yesterday. had fun , my son went too. [cool][Smile]

Messages In This Thread
Turkey Hunting in Ohio - by Windy - 04-27-2003, 01:30 PM
Re: [lonehunter] Turkey Hunting in Ohio - by lou - 05-04-2003, 02:22 AM
Re: [lou] Turkey Hunting in Ohio - by lonehunter - 05-04-2003, 09:08 AM
Re: [lonehunter] Turkey Hunting in Ohio - by lou - 05-05-2003, 12:52 PM
Re: [davetclown] Turkey Hunting in Ohio - by lou - 05-05-2003, 12:02 PM
Re: [lou] Turkey Hunting in Ohio - by Windy - 05-05-2003, 11:15 PM

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