05-07-2003, 12:14 PM
hi girkl!! ya i guess ya do have your hands full haha. well strap one one your back strap the other to the 21 year old and go. git a small bassenette that folds like i use ta and GO! haha i did it with mine when he was 6 months old! only cause i had ihim in december. haha take cliff and i still go today. he went fishin and huntin with me all his life and we,ve had a ball doin this stuff. he calls me and says ma lets go now. even campin! what a life! they,ll remember it too. it,s good for em. take care have fun. take some rope so you can hook the 2 year old up so he aint, gittin into stuff while your doin stuff haha give hom his toys he,ll be happy. cliff remembers that. haha later mare[
