07-07-2008, 12:05 AM
the "lake" I was in is only about 34 acres....and the Wipers were added a few years ago in small numbers for a little "population control". Never talked to anyone who caught one over 21" from there until mine yesterday. Although I have seen some nice 5 1/2 lb 22+ inch LMB come out of there.
About 25 miles west of here in Lincoln they have a 2000+ lake called "Branched Oak" that produces many nice 30+ inch wipers along with monster flat heads ---- along with a biomass of white perch similar in percentage to the carp in Utah Lake. They stocked the wipers and transported the flatheads from the Missouri both about 6 or 7 years ago to get the white perch under control.....so they are C&R only....so they are getting nice and big.
About 25 miles west of here in Lincoln they have a 2000+ lake called "Branched Oak" that produces many nice 30+ inch wipers along with monster flat heads ---- along with a biomass of white perch similar in percentage to the carp in Utah Lake. They stocked the wipers and transported the flatheads from the Missouri both about 6 or 7 years ago to get the white perch under control.....so they are C&R only....so they are getting nice and big.