05-08-2003, 03:08 AM
Holy Bejebus Tube Dude,
You need to start writing and selling float tube books or at least an article in a paper for the amount and the quality for the stuff you write!!!![cool]
I went to alamitos today and caught 2 short WSB!!!! 2 Sandbass 2 Halibut, 5 YFC, 1 queenfish and 1 17in smelt[cool] I caught my first plastic fish from my tube today, an 18in halibut.
You need to start writing and selling float tube books or at least an article in a paper for the amount and the quality for the stuff you write!!!![cool]
I went to alamitos today and caught 2 short WSB!!!! 2 Sandbass 2 Halibut, 5 YFC, 1 queenfish and 1 17in smelt[cool] I caught my first plastic fish from my tube today, an 18in halibut.