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starwberry sc report.
launched at aspen grove. ran about a half mile and dropped down the rigs. kokes were in a happy mood so were some small rainbows. ran over to berry bay to visit with dad and brother. strawberry side was not happening. they hadnt hit a fish all mourning. got them to hit the narrows with me and they started to catch some fish. pulled into a cove with a small stream flowing in. lots of cuts still spawning. like 1000,s but the weird thing is many are getting big white spots and dying like kokes doo. moore sucker minnows and shiner minnows in that bay if you guys want load up. brother caught a 11,9 pound cutt of center point in the narrows. friggin hawg!!! the night bight was very good on kokes the last hr of light. lures wedding rigs, apexes, needle fish. koke killers best at sunset.[fishin]

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starwberry sc report. - by CROSSINEYES - 07-14-2008, 04:14 PM

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