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New waters open. Where to fish?
Besides carry a copy of the ruling I'd suggest calling the cops if anyone gets confrontational. Many landowners thought they owned the water but they never did. It has never been legal in the USA to own a waterway at any time. What was done before and is still done in some states is clearly illegal. Glad someone made a stand to let Utah and the private landowners know that their illegal actions won't be tolerated anymore. Remember if confronted you aren't a criminal but a victim of a crime you don't have to let the landowner get away with anymore. By the way I do own land that has a steam on it and I have never restricted access to anyone. While you have to go upstream quite a bit to find trout, people do hunt, bird watch and ATV on it without anything but a hello from me.

Messages In This Thread
New waters open. Where to fish? - by katghoti - 07-22-2008, 07:26 PM
Re: [MI_Steelheader] New waters open. Where to fish? - by riverdog - 07-23-2008, 01:24 AM

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