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May's HOOKED $10 Gift Certificate Contest
Goog Job! As you'll find out these are U.S. ATONs (Aid to Navigation) they will replace the older USWMS (Uniform State Waterway Marker System) system of markers effective the end of this year. Before you get your boat learn the rules of the road and how to navigate. I learned a poem from my Great Grandfather:

Here lies the body of Jack O'Day, he died maintaining the right of way. He was right, dead right, as he sailed along. But he's just as dead as if he'd been wrong.

It was posted in every boat I've ever had. Maybe we can convince BLM to give us a series of questions on dead reckoning next month. Or maybe a rules of the road quiz.


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Re: [fishboy2] May's HOOKED $10 Gift Certificate Contest - by IceFishingGod - 05-09-2003, 03:55 AM

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