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Does water skiing boats, pulling skiers or fast boats, reduce the fishing % when trolling or fishing from the bank?
I usually fish not too far from shore, close to the weed lines, structure, ect. (As I'm sure most people do) And skiers insist on running right by me. Even on a small pond, i.e: Mantua, there is still 500 acres of water. Why not use the middle, away from the fishermen (and the weeds!) I especially like it when the cut the gap between the boats and shore. I just wish the would learn to share the water, we all the right to be there. And try to stay off the small lakes. Just my 2 cents.

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Re: [fuzzyfisher] Fishing Opinion & Ski boats - by PaHnTr760 - 07-29-2008, 03:12 PM

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