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Does water skiing boats, pulling skiers or fast boats, reduce the fishing % when trolling or fishing from the bank?
I say lets stone them all !!! Juust kidding Water Skiiers have the same right as fisherman to be on the water. But a part me would have to say yes Water Skiers do have some effect to shore fishing the wake they leave behind creates huge amounts of sand & silt to elevate from the bottom, the waves splash the shore line creating small land slides, sand, silt and trash is pulled into the water Creating a nasty environment for the fish. Look at Rockport reservoir. Early in the morning the water is nice and clear, after the boaters hit there constantly a 50 to 100 feet of water that is brown like coffee But like mentioned earlier there lots factors involved I think the size and depth of the lake have allot with it just my 2 cents

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Re: [FishNCoach] Does water skiing boats, pulling skiers or fast boats, reduce the fishing % when trolling or fishing fr - by sinergy - 07-29-2008, 07:33 PM

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