05-09-2003, 05:07 PM
California Sheephead: There are fish named Sheephead and Sheepshead all over the world. The California Sheephead is a structure fish that has the head and teeth of a sheep. Males have a prominent bump on their foreheads with black heads and black tail regions and a red to pink midriff.Females are solid pink all over. I have found that they like small crabs for bait, even over live squid. But the main bait for them by the partyboat guys, is ghost shrimp purchased in a bait store before boarding the sportboat The latest commercial market is the trapping and selling of them alive. Sheephead are one of the few species of fish that can change sex if it is needed in the habitat. Lobster have a rough time around them because sheephead love to bite off their antenna. I once dove off a reef in the channel islands where every Lobster I saw were minus their antenna.