08-04-2008, 06:48 PM
I am glad you asked that Humpy. Normally I use a regular floating line, but I attach 20' to 30' of 6 lb ot 8 lb fluoro. You can't cast it, you just drop and kick back. When it is hot action, they will also hit it on the way down.
BUT, when I bought the W.W.Griggs glass at Sportsmen's it came as a combo with a fair reel that I am not familiar with. I put a load of backing on it then about on spool of 6 lb fluoro. This is nice cause now I can go even 50' deep.
For indicator, I use the Breakaways introduce by Phil Rowely. They are styrofoam eggs with a plastic peg in the end. You slide the egg and peg up the line to desired length then separate the peg from the egg, make a loop with the line between the peg and egg and put peg back. When a fish hits, the loop pulls out and the indicator will slide.
They can be bought in a bunch of sizes and colors from "The Fly Desk".
Also, I attach one fly on the very end of the line then a small split shot about 6" to 8" up, then attach a tag about three feet up from first fly and attach another fly.
Chan does his deep nymphing with a weighted line in which he drops straight down, jigs a little then raises slowly. I have tried this method but I personally like the indicator style...it's fun watching it go under then just pull the line and slowly raise the tip.
BUT, when I bought the W.W.Griggs glass at Sportsmen's it came as a combo with a fair reel that I am not familiar with. I put a load of backing on it then about on spool of 6 lb fluoro. This is nice cause now I can go even 50' deep.
For indicator, I use the Breakaways introduce by Phil Rowely. They are styrofoam eggs with a plastic peg in the end. You slide the egg and peg up the line to desired length then separate the peg from the egg, make a loop with the line between the peg and egg and put peg back. When a fish hits, the loop pulls out and the indicator will slide.
They can be bought in a bunch of sizes and colors from "The Fly Desk".
Also, I attach one fly on the very end of the line then a small split shot about 6" to 8" up, then attach a tag about three feet up from first fly and attach another fly.
Chan does his deep nymphing with a weighted line in which he drops straight down, jigs a little then raises slowly. I have tried this method but I personally like the indicator style...it's fun watching it go under then just pull the line and slowly raise the tip.