05-10-2003, 03:59 PM
JapanRon: Palos Verdes is the closest area we have near Long Beach that offers the true rocky, white water, kelp and currents of the wild habitat. The trouble is the whole area is unpredictable as to nut crunching, suprise attacks by the Pacific.I have dove the area in the past for Abalone, Lobster,Rock Scallops and crabs. Going from the shore outwards wasn't difficult because we could swim under the waves,but I don't know about a tube. The best entry point on the whole Palos Verdes area would be the Lee side bays of Portugee Point or Long Point. Still, I would be prepared for sudden waves. We have fished Palos Verde many times up close from a small boat in about 8 feet of water. The motor was kept running, no anchor and we kept the bow pointed to sea.(The giant calicos liked to swim along the shore in a foot of water and grab dark colored jigs, the closer to shore the better but it lasted only about an hour, 1/2 hour to sunrise to 1/2 after sunrise.) So, tubing could be done but tie every thing down and take one for the team, you'll dry quickly.