08-04-2008, 10:32 PM
What kind of fishing do you want to do... fly or spin? There is a river through the park with lots of small native cutts 4-12" I fly fish it several times a year, but have never spin fished ( I forgot how after I learned how to fly fish). I was up there a couple of weeks ago and the trees were really thick so, you have to bush wack a lot. There is also the middle fork (likewise a small stream). Then the southfork on the other side of the vally (30 min away ish). It is a larger river and better for spin fishing (in my opinion). I fish the southfork regularly. Was up there last week and caught some large browns on nymphs. Maybe I will post pics if work gets slow....
The ogden river below pineview is loaded with fish, but has been running high and slightly murkey. I have a friend that claims this is the best time to fish, almost everything is 20+ in. (But I am not one for high, murkey water... maybe I will give it a try sometime anyway).
Hope this helps.
The ogden river below pineview is loaded with fish, but has been running high and slightly murkey. I have a friend that claims this is the best time to fish, almost everything is 20+ in. (But I am not one for high, murkey water... maybe I will give it a try sometime anyway).
Hope this helps.