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FL Anglers Polls Wanted! WIN Cabela's Gift Cards!!
what must liscenced anglers have aboard there boat while gulf fishing? hooks as apposed to j hooks. [circle hooks allow a more constant lip hook rather than the more common stomache or esophagus hook with a j hook]
2. [#000000]dehooker [the dehooker allows for a safe removal of a hook ensuring a greater survival rate of released fish][/#000000]
3.[#000000] venting tool [Reef fish taken from depths of 50 feet or more may need to be de vented. they
may undergo expansion of the gases in the swim
bladder as they are brought to the surface. Signs of
this condition are protrusion of the stomach from its
mouth, bulging eyes and a bloated belly. Proper use
of a venting tool will help the fish survive by allowing
it to safely return to the bottom.
Deflation of a bloated Gulf reef fish must be done
with the venting tool by inserting the needle into the
body cavity at a 45-degree angle under a scale in an
area approximately 1 to 2 inches behind the base
of the pectoral fin just deep enough to release the
trapped gas and to release the fish with minimum
If the stomach is protruding from the mouth, don’t
puncture it or try to put it back into the mouth. It will
return to its normal location following the release of a
properly vented fish.[/#000000]

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Re: [dremarysol] FL Anglers Polls Wanted! WIN Cabela's Gift Cards!! - by johnnyirish11 - 08-04-2008, 11:49 PM

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