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Columbia River Recreation Report - Fishing

COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Buoy 10 Line upstream to the Tongue Point/Rocky Point line:

This section of the Columbia River is currently closed to angling for salmon and steelhead but is open to angling for shad. Effective August 1 - September 1 (or chinook guideline of 6,500 fish) this section of the Columbia River will be open to angling for adult chinook (greater than 24 inches), adipose fin-clipped adult coho (greater than 16 inches), and adipose fin-clipped steelhead. The daily bag limit will be two fish, only one of which may be a chinook. During September 2 - December 31, this area will be open to the retention of adipose fin-clipped coho and adipose fin-clipped steelhead. All other permanent regulations apply.

COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Rocky Point/Tongue Point line upstream to Bonneville Dam:

This section of the Columbia is currently open to the retention of adipose fin-clipped summer steelhead, summer chinook jacks (less than or equal to 24") and shad. The retention of sockeye and adult chinook is prohibited. The daily bag limit is two adipose fin-clipped steelhead plus five chinook jacks (fin-clipped or not). It is unlawful to angle for jack salmon after the adult bag limit has been reached. Effective August 1 - December 31 this section of the Columbia River will be open to angling for adipose fin-clipped coho and adipose fin-clipped steelhead, but closed to the retention of chinook adults and jacks. The daily bag limit will be two adult coho and/or steelhead, plus five adipose fin-clipped coho jacks. It is unlawful to angle for coho jacks after the adult bag limit has been reached. Chinook retention will be allowed during September 1 - 16: however, retention will be prohibited from a line projected from Red light #62 on Deer Island to Green light #63 on the lower end of Martin Island upstream to a line projected from the Lewis River boundary marker on the lower end of Bachelor Island to the Warrior Rock Lighthouse (RM 79 - 88) to protect Lewis River fall chinook. The daily bag limit will be two adult salmonids, only one of which may be an adult chinook salmon, and five jack salmon. Jack salmon are chinook less than or equal to 24 inches and coho less than or equal to 20 inches.

COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Bonneville Dam to the Oregon/Washington Border:

This section of the Columbia is currently open to the retention of adipose fin-clipped summer steelhead, summer chinook jacks (less than or equal to 24 inches) and shad. The retention of sockeye and adult chinook is prohibited. The daily bag limit is two adipose fin-clipped steelhead plus five chinook jacks (fin-clipped or not). Effective August 1 through December 31, this section of the Columbia River will be open to angling for fall chinook, coho (only adipose fin-clipped coho may be retained between Bonneville Dam and the Hood River bridge), and adipose fin-clipped steelhead. The daily bag limit is two adult salmonids and five jack salmon. It is unlawful to angle for jack salmon after the adult daily bag limit has been reached.

Boat and bank anglers continue to have the best success in the gorge, where boat anglers averaged 2.33 summer steelhead caught per boat and bank anglers averaged 0.44 steelhead caught per bank angler. In Troutdale boat anglers averaged 0.43 steelhead caught per boat. In areas below the gorge anglers were having a hard time finding a nibble.

Gorge Bank:

Weekend checking showed 19 adipose fin-clipped summer steelhead kept, plus 15 unclipped steelhead and one summer chinook released for 78 bank anglers.

Gorge Boats:<br />
Weekend checking showed nine adipose fin-clipped summer steelhead kept, plus five unclipped steelhead and four summer chinook released for six boats (complete trips).

Troutdale Boat &amp; Bank:<br />
Weekend checking showed three adipose fin-clipped summer steelhead kept, plus three unclipped steelhead and one summer chinook released for 14 boats (complete trips).

Westport Boats:<br />
Weekend checking showed no catch reported for two boats (incomplete trips).

Portland to Westport Bank:<br />
Weekend checking showed no catch reported for 23 bank anglers.<br />
steelhead trout<br />
Steelhead<br />
- Oregon Fish and Wildlife-

Estuary Boat &amp; Bank:<br />
Weekend checking showed one adipose fin-clipped summer steelhead kept for 15 steelhead anglers.

Bonneville Pool: No report.

The Dalles Pool: No report.

John Day Pool: No report.


Troutdale:<br />
Weekend checking showed no catch reported for one boat (complete trip).


BUOY 10 UPSTREAM TO WAUNA POWERLINES (including Youngs Bay and all adjacent Washington tributaries):<br />
The Compact adopted the following rules at the July 24 Joint State Hearing for the sturgeon sport fishery below Wauna power lines (RM 40) downstream to Buoy 10, including Youngs Bay and all adjacent Washington tributaries for 2008:

* Prohibit the retention of sturgeon seven days per week during Sunday July 27, 2008 through December 31, 2008. Catch and release angling is allowed during all retention closures.<br />
* Retention of green sturgeon is prohibited as per permanent regulations.<br />
* Daily and annual catch limits listed in the 2008 Oregon Sport Regulations pamphlet remain in effect.

WAUNA POWERLINES UPSTREAM TO BONNEVILLE DAM (including all adjacent Washington tributaries and the Willamette River downstream of Willamette Falls including the Multnomah Channel): This section of the Columbia River is currently open to the retention of sturgeon on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. The daily bag limit is one fish between 42 and 60 inches in length and the annual limit is five fish. The use of more than one single point barbless hook is prohibited. All sturgeon angling is prohibited from Marker 85 upstream to Bonneville Dam during May 1 through July 31 to protect spawning sturgeon.

The Compact adopted the following rules at the July 24 Joint State Hearing for the sturgeon sport fishery above Wauna power lines (RM 40) upstream to Bonneville Dam, including all adjacent Washington tributaries, and the lower Willamette River (including the Multnomah Channel) upstream to Willamette Falls for 2008:

o Allow the retention of white sturgeon four days per week on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday during January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008 (including August and September).

o Prohibit the retention of sturgeon three days per week on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday during January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008.

o Retention of green sturgeon is prohibited as per permanent regulations.

o Daily and annual catch limits listed in the 2008 Oregon Sport Regulations pamphlet remain in effect.

sturgeon<br />
White Sturgeon<br />
- Photo by Kathy Munsel-

Effective 12:01 AM Saturday July 12 through December 31, 2008 the retention of sturgeon in the Bonneville pool and tributaries is prohibited because the catch guideline of 700 fish has been met. Catch and release angling is allowed during the retention prohibition.


Effective 12:01 AM Saturday March 15 through December 31, 2008 the retention of sturgeon in The Dalles pool and tributaries is prohibited because the catch guideline of 100 fish has been met. Catch and release angling is allowed during the retention prohibition; however, all sturgeon angling is prohibited in the mainstem Columbia River from the west end of the grain silo located near Rufus upstream to John Day Dam during May 1 through July 31, 2008 to protect spawning sturgeon. Catch and release in this sanctuary re-opens August 1.


Effective 12:01 AM Wednesday, March 26 through December 31, 2008 the retention of sturgeon in the John Day pool and tributaries is prohibited because the catch guideline of 165 fish has been met. Catch and release angling is allowed during the retention prohibition; however, all sturgeon angling is prohibited from the highway 82 bridge (Hwy 395) upstream to McNary Dam from May 1 through July 31 to protect oversize spawning sturgeon. Catch and release in this sanctuary re-opens August 1.

Gorge Bank: CLOSED above Marker 85: No report.

Gorge Boats below Marker 85:<br />
Weekend checking showed five oversize and seven sublegal sturgeon released for five boats (complete trips).

Troutdale Boats:<br />
Weekend checking showed eight sublegal sturgeon released for three boats (complete trips).

Portland to Longview Bank:<br />
Weekend checking showed three sublegal sturgeon released for five bank anglers.

Westport Boats:<br />
Weekend checking showed one oversize and eight sublegal sturgeon released for seven boats (incomplete trips).

Estuary Bank: No report.

Estuary Boats: No report.




Walleye: No report

Bonneville Pool: No report.

The Dalles Pool: No report.

John Day Pool: No report.

Gorge boats: No report.

Troutdale boats: No report.


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Columbia River Recreation Report - Fishing - by FishNews - 08-05-2008, 11:10 AM

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