08-10-2008, 12:28 AM
I am sure you are right about the wheel and Keel may be interchangeable.
I know of ONE person, that put a keel on his pontoon. Why? Because he had the Skycomish and a motor with a wrist band controller. He wanted to be able to stand on the platform and steer his boat around on the lake.....it didn't work.
Most people first time out, realize their dominant side is going to row stronger. You learn to compensate.
With the comment of Oar length. The pontoon at the lodge had the oars very far apart. Arms not only stuck out straight on the back position, but out to the sides. No leverage balance so it was very hard to row straight.
My hubby and myself, have our oars set at 16" from end to oar mount. Hands 6" to 10" apart at the most. Just don't want to bump the ends of the oars.
My Navigator II is advertised as 9' long (which I am sure is measured by following the bottom of the boast including curves) The oars that came with them are 6' long. They would not function correctly when adjusted to the 6" to 10" apart (straight out to the sides). I replaced the BLADE portion with the blade portion of my Cardiac Canyon. The oars are now 6'9" and work perfect.
I am sure there would be more KEELS on the market if they were needed, but IMHO I don't think they are. Just learn to compensate for the different variables.
I know of ONE person, that put a keel on his pontoon. Why? Because he had the Skycomish and a motor with a wrist band controller. He wanted to be able to stand on the platform and steer his boat around on the lake.....it didn't work.
Most people first time out, realize their dominant side is going to row stronger. You learn to compensate.
With the comment of Oar length. The pontoon at the lodge had the oars very far apart. Arms not only stuck out straight on the back position, but out to the sides. No leverage balance so it was very hard to row straight.
My hubby and myself, have our oars set at 16" from end to oar mount. Hands 6" to 10" apart at the most. Just don't want to bump the ends of the oars.
My Navigator II is advertised as 9' long (which I am sure is measured by following the bottom of the boast including curves) The oars that came with them are 6' long. They would not function correctly when adjusted to the 6" to 10" apart (straight out to the sides). I replaced the BLADE portion with the blade portion of my Cardiac Canyon. The oars are now 6'9" and work perfect.
I am sure there would be more KEELS on the market if they were needed, but IMHO I don't think they are. Just learn to compensate for the different variables.