05-13-2003, 02:32 AM
[size 1]I don't mean to sound like a A@# but what you just said was ignorant. Maybe you should reread the posts.[/size]
[size 1]Yankee Rainbows 8-16" Cuts 8-12" Brooks 8-14"
Red Creek Rainbows 8-18"
Kolob Rainbows 14-18" Cuts are well you know not really there. [/size]
[size 1]This is averages of around a thousand fish caught and released from Yankee since January. I couldn't even guess how many fish I've caught in the other two. I've put many long days fishing and I weight and tape just about every fish. I didn't say that he or anybody else wasn't catching bigger fish I replied to his statement of "all about 16". I've released some around 20". [/size]
[size 1]I've caught some big fish out of Red Creek to but I asked if he caught one of those 24" fish from the reply I assumed it was NO. I haven't hooked one and with that fish in Garts it doesn't mean the lake is full of them. [/size]
[size 1]One mans big fish is anothers minnow. One good day of fishing is a slow day for another. I'm sure you realize this.[/size]
[size 1]Maybe next time pick your words a little more carefully. This is my last post. I don't need some weekend warriors to tell me I don't know $#!^.[/size]
[size 1]Yankee Rainbows 8-16" Cuts 8-12" Brooks 8-14"
Red Creek Rainbows 8-18"
Kolob Rainbows 14-18" Cuts are well you know not really there. [/size]
[size 1]This is averages of around a thousand fish caught and released from Yankee since January. I couldn't even guess how many fish I've caught in the other two. I've put many long days fishing and I weight and tape just about every fish. I didn't say that he or anybody else wasn't catching bigger fish I replied to his statement of "all about 16". I've released some around 20". [/size]
[size 1]I've caught some big fish out of Red Creek to but I asked if he caught one of those 24" fish from the reply I assumed it was NO. I haven't hooked one and with that fish in Garts it doesn't mean the lake is full of them. [/size]
[size 1]One mans big fish is anothers minnow. One good day of fishing is a slow day for another. I'm sure you realize this.[/size]
[size 1]Maybe next time pick your words a little more carefully. This is my last post. I don't need some weekend warriors to tell me I don't know $#!^.[/size]