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Bass,BlueG,Tilapia and Skitters
Too bad to hear that the peacocks are taking off. I figured it'd happen though. Water chemistry is just too good for them in there. Plus they have a heck of a food source with the Tilapia. I hooked mine in one of the first holes down, maybe 50 yards down. I don't dare go much farther than about 100 to 150 yards. They can and do drop bombs on that creek. I've seen the scortch marks directly on it. Pretty dang scary if you ask me. No bass is worth getting killed over.

My biggest question is if the Moba Frontosa's lived or not. That'd be a nice little bonus taking a couple of those bad boys out. They'll do extremely well in that lake. Mouth brooders definately have the upper hand over nest builders.

Messages In This Thread
Bass,BlueG,Tilapia and Skitters - by lov2fish - 08-24-2008, 07:15 PM
Re: [lov2fish] Bass,BlueG,Tilapia and Skitters - by Mc_Lennon - 08-25-2008, 12:22 AM

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