05-13-2003, 02:02 PM
I have to admit [size 1]CIGARETTE BUTTS are disgusting to see in the water, and on land. It is just like littering in my opinion. I was once stopped by a park ranger who asked me why my scouts and I kept reaching down on the ground. [/size]I told him I was picking up trash on a trail. He said what trash, I can't see anything you are picking up. I showed him they were cigarette butts people have dropped on the ground. He was impressed with that. He congratulated my scouts on a great job they were doing. As far as your wife goes she should go the the judge and [size 1]apologize[/size] for her actions. Do some community service and pay the fine. I am glad the California Fish and Game Officer did his job and would like to congratulate him for it.