09-01-2008, 01:14 AM
I had to go to Brigham city to buy a U-tube (I have a doughnut tube & a pontoon boat already), so I stopped in for 1 1/2 hrs at Mantua. I tried unsuccessfully for bass for 1/2 hour so I switched to perch. Nothing big at all - only up to 7 or 8 inches. I like tubedudes setup with his U-tube and I wanted to try it out. It worked fine, definitely easier to control and sit in. Next time I'll hit UL. Last time weI met Angler Dan & Fish finatic. Should've brought our float tubes. We didn't get any cats at all but watched the masters at work. Thanks for the pointers guys. Here is a pic of Angler Dan reeling in a 5 lber.