09-09-2008, 05:25 PM
that hat has been in the atlantic, pacific, indian ocean's, the sea of japan, the yellow sea, d\almost every major "deam stream" in the western U.S. several big lakes (powell, blue mesa CO, Taylor Park CO, eleven mile CO, Sanchez Res CO) East, Echo, PV, the narrows... man pretty much every where i have had the oppertunity to fish. when 9/11 happened, like i said i was in kuwait. i remember sitting down and writing out how pissed off i was on the inside of it. though time, sweat, and blodd has all but taken away every visible line of text, you cans till see where i wrote stuff down. there is only one thing i would ever consider trading that hat away for, and thats time to fish with Trout_Slayer and our old man. as a matter of fact, i was wearing that hat the day i got the email that TS and his now wife got married ( i introduced them to each other). that hat has been to more countries then 99% of the kids i graduated high school with have been to! if the god lord doesent see it fit that i have a family of my own im going to make sure little Sierra knows what that hat means to me and i will pass ot down to her. so in all yes i believe you are correct, that hat is getting a little heavy. though the blood and sweat isent whats weighing it down, its all of the memories i have had with it. if it were a woman i would have married it yars ago. simple reasons, it likes to go fishing with me, it doesent care how many beers i drink or what time i come home, nor does it care how bad i stink after spending a day out on the water, and it never complains about the heat or how cold it is!